Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nayya is 10 months

Here is my grand daughter who is 10 months and a half! She is very good natured , will smile a lot , loves her stuffed Bunny ..She wll smile and then hug it most lovingly and then fall over onto the Bunny..Just now she gave a kiss to her mummy..She can wave her hands to say bye and will shake her head vigorously if she does not want something...She is not yet walking on her own but will make you take her where she wants to go if you hold her hand ...and "walk" her...
I could go on and on about her...doting gradma that I am !


ahnali said...


its fun watching ainayya's development ne ^^
wish hana can see also.. huhuu

Anonymous said...

deshouuuu. aimi ilang 2 bulan pun nayya dah byk membesa, huhu..

nasib nayya kenal aimi ^^