Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Daily review questions

From Higher Awareness

I am tagging Hana, Aimi, Maryam , Hilmi , Aiman , Dr J to also answer these questions. Pick a day that is meaningful :-)!

Also Kevin , Pycno, Dr Roza, Kenakalayan if they happen to drop by!

1. What was your peak experience or accomplishment in the past day?
Did my relax class and used the realizations I had about letting go of grudges, an attitude of gratitude and also introduced a zikr practice that gave me a high ....
Your main challenge?
My main challenge was balancing and neutralizing bad energy that came from a reaction I had from someone whom I felt was degrading my position by the request she made.
2. What emotional reactions, stresses or tensions were triggered in the last 24 hours?
As above, I felt insulted and had to look within myself to see what was causing it. Looks like I have to take myself down a peg or two!.
3. What decisions need to be made?

Date changes if needed of training events.Which account to use to pay for further renovation works on LOHTTC.
What problems need to be solved?
How to manage my patients wholisitically with my busy practice. Need to train Maryam and Hilmi to do energy work and persuade them to learn homeopathy.
How to put up the swimsuit ads on the Wanita JIM online shop..DONE!!
4. What early warning signals are calling for your attention?
Body stiff and aching, cough still on although reducing..Need to look into my health issues and DETOX ..when will I do it...???
5. What did you learn about yourself in the past 24 hours?
I am getting more selfaware , can see some thinking and feeling modes but am not so hard on myself and can forgive myself , this I learn from looking at my reactions to my thoughts /emotions.
6. What new ideas, insights or urges came up?
The CD I ordered on Pir Zia's lectures came in the mail but it made me listen to another CD I had for some time, and what treasures I found there..oh why did I not find the time to listen before:
I learnt a very good zikr about expanding our limitations which is essential for survival for in order to survive one must expand.
Ya Shafiq, Ya Rafiq, Najjini min kullu Diiq ( save me from all limitations)
7. What strong desires did you notice?
It is a ridiculous desire ..I had a strong desire to be seen as a Being of Light...
8. How did you experience any reflection, stillness, relaxation or fun?
By being present to my emotions and my awareness, by savouring my joyful state centered in my heart, by responding with love to loving family members
9. What can you do to improve your health, energy and memory?
Take my supplements , begin my exercise program , stop taking empty calorie foods...erk!
10. Who, including yourself, needs your acceptance or forgiveness?

The lady I was saying about, maybe my children.. I need to forgive myself as well.
11. What goals or next step are unclear or need more effort?
My zikr and meditations need more effort
12. What is your ‘critical inch’ (thanks to Richard Carlson) – your most important immediate next step?
Make sure I listen to the tapes and read the energy psychology interactive CD and do the lessons to become better at my spiritual self healing and other people healing!


Paul said...

May I chime in? I'll address only "my immediate next step, #12." Most of my answers would be peculiar as someone who's semi bedridden with a progressive condition so rare it's undiagnosable.

This one is too, but maybe interesting. Hard to express, but my next step is something like "concentrating on remaining with God when I can't be with God anymore."

I'd come up with lots of creative variations on meditation as my condition worsened, but physically I just can't do it anymore. Intractable pain, even in the most "comfortable" positions I can assume, breaks concentration. If I don't continually make adjustments in my positioning, the pain intensifies until I have to, and if I try to push the limits I can easily ratchet up the baseline pain in a given location. (Extensive nerve, muscle, connective tissue and bone damage.)

I've been too fragile to leave the house by any means for over two years and even the window shades have to remain drawn at all times. I have to wear dark glasses at the computer because of the migraines generated by the spasm/taut bands in my neck muscles.

So I'm cut off from everything that used to inspire me most - nature, meditation, quiet and comfortable reflection at my writing table, and children - my 23 year career working with kids was brought to an end going on four years ago by disability progression.

It almost seems to me that I've turned into an odd kind of experiment. I've felt very strong for a long time, but lately there frankly also seems to be some new form of desolation, emptiness. In that emptiness I think there is further strength that maybe I haven't quite gotten to yet.

Sorry for running so long, good thing I only picked one! Interesting list.

Suriya said...

I am glad you shared that.I cannot imagine what you are going through , whatever it is you have an attitude towards it that I have not seen in anyone before. If you do not mind writing to me I have something I would like to ask you privately.
You may or may not know I specialize in hard to treat medical problems

kevin said...

thank you for tagging me, this is quite a tag! Deeper than the 'what you've read in the past 33.33 years' tag.

Interesting, you desired to be seen as being of light? Silly sufi, you already are! It is funny you mentioned that, because I asked my pir recently if he could help me to distinguish people's auras. He taught me a little, but then stressed that seeing with the heart is much more effective.

I just realized I much to talk to you about, or mention actually. I wanted to tell you that we, our tariqa, just finished pubishing a book on sufi healing and i thought you'd might be interested in it. I'll post something about it soon on my blog, when I get a true free moment.

asallam alaykum

Suriya said...

Yes Kevin
I am interested. Could you have it posted to me, I will remit you the amount for the book if you can tell me how you would like the payment, western union perhaps?
Being a being of light , yes I know I am , but that is why I said I wanted to be seen as a being of light, to be recognised if you may think of it like that..or , somehow for people to see beyond my prickly defenses...sigh....

Paul said...

Dr. Su, thank you. It's maybe a not so typical situation. You often hear stories where someone's life is off-track. They become sick or injured and it puts them on a spiritual path.

I was already on one and have kept going in the same basic direction. I'd best sum up the changes brought about for me by this as diminished joy and strength greater than I could have imagined. On the whole, I'd have preferred having the strength remain unsuspected! But as they say, it is what it is.

Suriya said...

Doesn' t it make you wonder what your higherself wanted when it asked for the experiences you are having?

Paul said...

I'd tend to view it perhaps somewhat differently.

First I should say that personally, I tend to steer clear of trying to figure out just how the whole thing works. I know it's beyond me.

But as far as I can tell, there's genuinely an element of randomness and chance in life, and that includes things that affect our physical health - our genes, and who knows what's out there in the environment today.

I see the meaning of our lives as something we are often called to participate in creating and not so much as foreordained in all its particulars.

Mama Pongkey said...

Dr Su, I've answered the questions! :) BTW how do I email you?

Suriya said...

Yes I agree with you Paul.And, in the end what happens to our earthly bodies does not really matter . I wonder about the pain though. I am not absolutely painfree myself but knowing you go through worse mekas me grateful I am mlble!

Yes Kenakalayan , I have seen your answers. My email is