Friday, January 06, 2006

Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

It's students like these that give teachers throbbing headache and they suffer anxiety as a result.
Your advice to the teacher Nurelhuda?
1. Be thankful that he has such intelligent and smart students.
2. Accept that the student is smarter than him.
3. Learn to let go...dan jangan berdendam pula!!

See, I'm putting to immediate practice the good lesson I've learnt from you. ;))
And a good weekend to you too, doctor.

dith said...

Probably Eistein was like this at school and that was why he was labled as dumb!

Only yesterday we were having the conversation in the car with my kids regarding the answering of questions 'mengikut soalan'. Because in school everything has to be schematized. Cikgu pon kena semak jawapan dan beri markah ikut skema. Kalau jawapan murid tak sama seperti apa yg diberi dalam skema, jawapan itu tak boleh diterima walapun pada hakikatnya jawapan murid itu tetap betul!

iKelah tanya Luqman, is the car already cold or still warm for you? (with regards to the air con)
' Ahhh...normal je" jawab Luqman. :) So we nagged regarding answering question specifically!

Notice how questions in exams nowadays especially BM paper, may have few acceptable answers in the objective? Manalah tak pening kepala otak budak sekarang!!!