Monday, February 27, 2006

The Prayer for the Forgetful


Ya Allah , I did not care about you in my ease and comfort, Ya Allah I am careless in my responsibilities towards you ( which includes all my obligations to my fellow creatures)My problem Ya Allah is when I meet with you. The faults in my life's journal I dare not face Ya Allah. What more my Lord, if my deeds were shown to all of creation , surely it terrifies me and embarasses me until I know not where I will hide my face.Ya Allah , you are always providing for me and increasing my blessings but I have reciprocated with my misdeeds and wrong doings which are increasing daily. Ya Allah I seek protection from you to whom I surrender and I worship. Ya Allah I do not deserve your paradise but I plead with you with your generosity and compassion and your love that you may forgive me and take pity on me,and my parents my spouse, my siblings and my offspring. Ya Allah , Thee alone should I worship , Thee who constantly forgives thy creatures who turn to you in repentance.
Amin , and peace and blessings on the Prophet SAW

Ya Allah S.W.T. , Aku tidak menghiraukanmu ketika aku dalam kesenangan. Ya Allah, aku sentiasa lalai tanggungjawabku padamu Ya Allah. Kesusahan pada diriku semasa aku bertemu denganmu Ya Allah. Keburukan pada lembaran catatan amalanku tidak sanggup aku hadapinya Ya Allah. Ya Allah apatah lagi jika amalan aku ditayangkan kepada segala mahklukmu tentu menakutkan sekali Ya Allah, hingga aku tidak tahu dimana harus aku sembunyikan wajahku Ya Allah. Ya Allah, engkau sentiasa berbuat baik dan menambahkan nikmat padaku, tetapi aku membalasnya dengan kemungkaran dan dosa yang sentiasa bertambah setiap hari. Ya Allah, hanya padamu aku berlindung, aku berserah dan aku menyembah. Ya Allah ! Sesungguhnya tidak layak bagiku untuk mengharapkan syurgamu, akan tetapi aku mohon padamu dengan kemurahan dan kurniamu serta belas kasihanmu, Ya Allah agar engkau ampuni dosaku dan kasihani diriku, dosa ayah,ibu adik-adikku, anak-anak dan isteriku. Sesunguhnya, Ya Allah engkau tuhan yang patut aku sembah dan sentiasa memberi ampunan kepada makhluk yang sentiasa bertaubat.
Amin Ya Rabbil Alamin berkat Selawat Keagunggan kepada Rasullullah S.A.W. yang tercinta.


HCI said...

Nurel, this herbalife thingie is hitting m'sia pula ke, i baca kat Sya blog juga. Herbalife dah lama kat US, the person who formulated it died of suicide, that was what i read. actually the material inside the formula prob cost one tenth or less of the cost, so might as well you prepare your own fresh fruits and grains.

i tried one batch, bought on line in 2000, but could not stomach it. My friend lost 10 kg with the formula and put it back after stopping.

so better back to a healthy lifestyle and not depend on formula, formula ni elok untuk bayi jer, or masa kita dah tak dak gigi nanti.

just to share.

Suriya said...

I do not depend on herbalife , I use the shake only once a day and as for the rest take calorie controlled meals.
Anyway I checked the price, it is among the cheapest as far as the shake is concerend, the supplements are very expensive and not necessary. You can substitude the shake with 1 packet total nutrition ( from Cosway)+2 tablespoons soya powder and 1 tablespoon protein powder and add fruit. The reason I would include a shake which is low cal but high in nutrients is because it is simple and most people can understand it.
If one does not change lifestyle and eating habits , it won t work out .
A Dr Katijah who works in Brunei has used the whole range of the Herbalife product to get the Brunei filthy rich but tooo fat to lose weight and fill her pockets at the same time. She turned up in the clinic in a shapley kebaya

Suriya said...

what I read, he died of drug and alcohol overdose in his 25 million dollar mansion at age 44. Perhaps the rags to riches was too much for him to handle?

Ahmad Hilmi said...

Aaaa.. was just about to comment that the doa is nice but huhu herbalife discussion. had to check the message again to remember :)
Love this doa a good reminder also a good prayer

demonsinme said...

Subhanallah, this is a very beautiful dua, would you mind if I use it (as my prayers) and as something I could share with my friends?

Suriya said...

Yes Hilmi Has put her comment under the doa!
Demonisme , the doa is certainly not mine , I merely posted it here for us to use insya allah

dith said...

Nurelhuda- is this the same doa that we say with a certain tune after solat jemaah? Ila hilas tulil firdaus...

Suriya said...

probably yes, different versions of the same doa are around!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the doa. Very useful to all of us. After all, who amongst us, have not sinned?

Anonymous said...

I really do enjoy reading this. Keep it up. Go have a excellent day.