Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Where do I go?

I wrote this in response to a discussion on my old girls list about the relationship between wealth and Phd.'s ...there is none.....

The notion of 'you don t have to go to school to be rich' is from the book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'.
Actually it is not about making millions either , it is about money management and,an education not in the field of money may mean one is not too money savvy and is likely to make a lot of mistakes re money. Which means if you are smart , it does not mean you are money smart.

Another point to ponder is this:
Abdul Rahman bin Auf, sahabat Nabi was a rich man before he migrated to Medina with the rest of the Muslims. He had to leave all his wealth in Mecca .
He went to Medina with nothing and his 'helper' in Medina lent him some capital , he started a business and again became a rich man.
On the other hand: we have the stories of people who became instant millionaires when their land became valuable and a year later they are poor again, even worse , now without their land.
What does it all mean?
That wealth is a state of being. It does not matter if you are a Phd holder or a school drop out,if you have a wealthy mindset , you will have the wealth.

Having said that, wealth is not something all people aim for or want to work at.
The main question to ask ourselve is:
What do I really want?
What will make me happy?
What will be fulfilling for me?

As I was walking from a restaurant, carrying my beautiful grandchild in my arms , a bundle of lovable joy, I thought to myself.
What is preventing me from being happy right now?
I know what will make me happy. I would be happy if I was my most authentic every moment of my time. If I did what I was doing in the best way .If I treat people the best way I could, if I solved problems in the wisest way possible, if I took my trials with fortitude and patience, learning the lessons and moving on.
Most of all if I spent enough time with my Lord and had the peace within the center of my being, anchoring me in the Haq all the time...

All the rest of the ornaments of life, Phds, money , beauty ...are the dressings......


In some cases, dressings are very important . I do not understimate the importance of dressings.
And perhaps my analogy is not that accurate either ..because money is a tool and a vehicle to attain life's purposes. So too a degree, it too is a tool to gain life's purposes. They are not the goal, they are the means to an end.


Mama Pongkey said...

Yep. Poor relation between science and huge monetary rewards. :D

But really it depends how you define wealth. I heard a wise Sheikh say: Have the dunia in your hand, but not in your heart.

Suriya said...

Yes But it is easier said than done.
I met a group of young Budhist today. Very committed to their Path of service , young men and women who have chosen not to upgrade their careers but to downgrade their paycheque to have more time for service and a reverse yuppie trend..they came to my clinic...the heart's religion is love and I suppose one loving heart recognises another...