Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ramadhan Reflections 12

Allah knows what is secret and what is manifest Quran 64:18 et al

Hassan's reflection

Allah knows everything. We cannot hide anything from Allah, so it’s best to surrender now. In our own world we spend so much effort creating plans to keep our own silly mistakes and accidents a secret. With Allah it is pointless as Allah is aware of everything. I think if we can put into practice this surrender our life will be so much simpler, and in turn it will be so much easier to surrender. It seems to be a cycle, the more we surrender to the will of Allah the more we are able to surrender deeper. On the other hand, the more we forget and try to keep secrets,even from ourselves, the harder it is to surrender.

Suriya's response

The point you make about ourselves not knowing about our own selves is to my mind something we should be well aware of. We have a subconscious mind that dictates our behaviour and this subconscious is hidden from us but not from Allah. The way to unravel our subconscious is by connecting with Allah and in so doing , to become enlightened by Allah's Nur which then reveals to us our own state.The trials we seem to be getting are what is just right for us to learn and overcome the shortcomings we have . Knowing this , we have to develop the attitude of hope and acceptance as well as gratitude. Many times, wives or husbands come to me to complain about their spouse. Many a times, they are justified in their complains. However, what they have to realise is that this thorn in their flesh is for them to grow their pearls. I am not saying that people who have these challenges should grin and bear it. Far from that! Overcoming these difficulties may mean patience , it may mean courage to break free , it may mean gaining in spiritual strength and with it , gaining in influence. There can be no person who is spiritually enlightened that the people around them do not change for the better or leave. The Nur from Allah shines from their presence and enlightens those around them who will find it easier to be postive and kind than to be negative. Their prayers are quickly answered by Allah and they pray for those around them as part of their spiritual practice. Those whose darkness and negativity are so thick will not be able to tolerate this Light and will leave of their own accord. This presence is not judgmental and evoking fearfulness in others but their presence is compassion and a sweetness that evokes tenderness and regret and reminds the people around of Allah without their having to even utter a word because their God consciousness is palpable. They may not know what people around them need but they will be inspired to give to others what they need by the All knowing Allah. Work on yourselves , do your zikr and meditations without pride and be consistent and you will see this miracle of transformation in yourself and in others around you.

And all that is in the heavens and earth glorifies Allah Quran 24:41

Hassan's reflection

In thinking of this I have faith that all creatures here glorify Allah, as does nature and whatnot. However, one thing that comes to mind is, if this is true, that means we humans must glorify Allah as well. At times this is definitely true, but when a rapist is raping a woman or a thief is stealing? That surely isn’t glorifying Allah. Perhaps the meaning is that it is a warning to us that all the other creatures glorify Allah, and we should be doing the same.

Suriya's response

Walking in natural surroundings , seeing the beauty of the mountains sky and sea are spiritual practices that attune us to nature and we can sense the glorification in the sound of the sea, the twinkling of the stars in a velvety sky and the sound of the birds.
Human beings have a choice. Either to be elevated higher than the angels or to be brought down lower than the beasts. This is mentioned in surah At TIn .
La qad khalaqnal Insana Fih ahsani Taqweem , Thumma radadna hu as fala safilin

Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould),
Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low,

Of all created creatures , it is humankind who have been given permission to disobey or not by their own personal choice and if we chose to glorify Allah, then we will be in alignment with the Universe.

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