Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Ramadhan Reflections 2

"We did not create the Jinn and Human except for worship" Quran 51:56

Su's reflection:

Many think worship is when you are on the prayer mat , praying or when you do zikr , or when you perform the Haj or Umrah and fast and pay the zakat. No , Worship is your whole life. How can it be otherwise when we are created to worship. Which brings us to the essential question , What is worship? It is living your life according to the principles of the highest ideals man can attain to. It is learning what this is and it is a constant striving to understand and to correct ourselves when we go astray from this highest ideal .It is connecting with the Divine source of guidance and being guided by this source . Worship is not tedious , it is not dull nor cumbersome. It is life well lived . Where then do we put the rituals of worship? The rituals are there to help us live this life and are like the foundation of that life. It helps us to keep our balance, it keeps us connected to the source of guidance when properly done and it gives rythm and discipline to our lives, all essential ingrediens to living an ideal life. Islam , of all the religions provides this rythm , discipline and connection most beautifully with the ritual obligatory worship. I look with great compassion upon Muslims who fail to use this wonderful prescription for living this life of attainment.

"Certainly Allah loves those who rely upon Allah"Quran3:159

Su's reflection:
Relying upon Allah is like the boat floating gently down the stream , going with the flow. Not resisting just allowing. Does that mean we cannot row? Yes we can still row but in the rowing we make use of the guidance , like a sail boat being able to go where it targets to go while yet relying on the wind to take it there.

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