Tuesday, October 11, 2005

7 things and birthday !

I realise I have to do this soon before I don t have anybody to tag because they have all been tagged ..I was tagged by Dr Roza!
Anyways, yesterday was my birthday and I would not bore you the the depressing details of having a birthday in the fasting month with even my nearest and dearest away ...I had a lot of SMS s and greetings tho!
7 things I plan to do:
1. write a book
2. start a training center
3. finish reading a book from cover to cover
4.Do a certificate course in NLP
5.Learn to work a video cam
6. Learn to edit a video clip
7.Spend the middle of Ramadan deep in meditation ..in the depths of the night..( when I get used to less sleep)
7 things that I can do:
1. I can teach
2. Write poetry ( does it need to win a prize?)
3. Type fast ( does it have to be accurate as well?)
4. Listen with presence ( when I want to that is, otherwise you get half an ear while I am multitasking on something else
5. Drive a car ( not the best driver around that is for sure)
6.Relieve a headache by placing my hands on the head( You want me to relieve yours?)
7.Concentrate on what I am doing so well that the lightning can strike and break a window and have the glass scatter all around me and not notice..( Yes this actually happened)

7 things I can't do:
1. Climb a mountain
2.Work without causing a clutter
3.Drive a bus
4.Park into a small space ( neither can I do side parking but don't tell the JPJ people that)
5. Lay bricks
6.Scuba diving
7.Read Japanese

7 things that scare me:
1. Having no money
2. Being flamed on list
3. Being sent to prison
4.Being in an accident
5.Hantu Raya ( poultergeist)
6.Making a wrong decision that harms my patient
7.Going out in the dead of the night on retreat in the woods because I need to use the outhouse and my torchlight dies ...( bears? )

7 random facts about me:

1. I get moved to tears quite often
2. I raise my voice when I 'm upset
3.I like to be alone at times and love my own company
4.I like pastry
5.My maternal granpa was a great Vet
6.I get along with people of any race and religion
7.I feel very strongly about any form of abuse of people/ animals

7 things I say the most:
1. Astaghfirlah
2.Insya allah
3.Sakit apa ni?
4. Buka mulut
5.Pergi baring atas katil tu
6. Laparlaa, bila you all nak gi beli makan nih?( not in the fasting month)
7.Terima kasih / thank you
7 people that I want to tag:
7.Beatrix Kiddo


dith said...

:) Thanks for the promt response.
You know what, after reading the sevens, I really want to meet you in person! You're such an exciting person. Alhamdulillah
So your granpa was a renowned vet huh?
Btw, didnt know that hantu raya=poltergeist?
I love pastry too! Wish I 'm good at making them too!
I wish you're here each time I get one of my unbearable migraine :))

Thanks again!

ahnali said...

u forgot..one of the things tht u always say..
oh anakku terbalik!

aha...=D baru tau ma takut hantu raya..muhaha

Unknown said...

Thank you for tagging me. I'll do it soon.
Have a wonderful day.


sume said...

Glad to see that I'm not the only moved to tears easily.

I commenting on the wrong post, but I just wanted to say that I love your garden! It's so beautiful and so organized. I can't keep my grass alive, so any who can turn out something like that has my utmost admiration. ;)

Anonymous said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you, and many,many happy returns of the day!!!

Care to elaborate a little on the training centre?

Murni M said...

hi there.. happy belated birthday:) TQ for tagging me, but I did the seven things tag about 2 weeks ago..albeit slightly different.. heheh.. so I hope you don't mind if I dun answer the tag this time around.

Anyway, I love the things you write in here, definitely will drop in more often!

Suriya said...

Dr Roza
My Grandpa retired as Chief of Vet Services Penang..He died at the ripe old age of 80+. My granduncle must have been one of the first Malaysian Drs.

I have been training to be retreat guide and though I have not done retreat training what I do is give HRD training which is oriented towards developing emotional and spiritual
Last training I did was on Sunday 9th October . I videocammed it and replaying it I was surprised to find I was pretty cool..
hoi angkat bakul sendiri yek....??
What I am interested to do is life coaching. So many people I have guided one way or another have come back to tell me that their lives have changed for the better one way or another.
A comment by a participant in a training I did a few days before Ramadan said , since the training she had found herself much nicer to her husband..and she wondered why. I kind of knew why because the exercises we did kind of shines the light of awareness on our automatic responses and hence because we now see ourselves with the newly agained awareness we change.
So ok I am not your typical average GP...yes I admit to that

whalesoundervish said...

Ooh, I will answer these in my blog soon inshallah!
I might copy you on a few, just because I have a similar personality in some ways. :)
Hope fasting is going well! Thanks for the fasting advice last year by the way, it helped me a lot.
Oh and happy late birthday!

sume said...

*smacks self

I forgot to wish you happy birthday. I'm still stuck in duhh land. Happy birthday and I wish you many more. :)

Anonymous said...

A birthday is always good :)
A very Happy Birthday
Kayf Halik ? (learning)

Hope all is Alhamdu lillah

.. twilight darvish

Anonymous said...

i share the sentiment with sume too ;)

It's wonderful to know all these things about you... spiritual healings and treatments like you describes are things still quite vague to me actually, although I've no doubts of their powerful effectiveness... like they say, it's the soul that need to be cleansed first... i feel that someone who's able to do these must have a very high level of empathy and bonds with other people, inside out..

as for your comment on being not our average GP, do you practice any other kinds of medications that's usually prescribed for patients eg homeopathy?

"Concentrate on what I am doing so well that the lightning can strike and break a window and have the glass scatter all around me and not notice.." wow.. am speechless!

And 'Eid milaad sa'eed :)

Suriya said...


I am homeopath and healer as well.
I can heal with touch , with thought and glance and breath .But indeed I am not the healer , God is.
I also use homeopathy herbs supplements and spiritual coaching.
My healing thoughts to you...