Monday, October 24, 2005

What are your motives as you participate in life?

This is just like what you quoted J, said in another way:

"There are three kinds of people and three kinds of richness:
- people who want to have, to collect
- people who want action, work and labor
- people who want to be
The real richness is in be-ness. People can take all that you have, all that you collected. People can stop your labor, or an accident can stop you. When you are, you never lose what you are."

-- Torkom Saraydarian


Anonymous said... me.
And, be HAPPY !!

Anonymous said...

My dearest Nurelhuda,
I hope you don’t mind me using the anonymous column to post my comments. I do have a blog. But in my blog, I played a different role….a role parallel to what my soul yearns but “milder”…..

I know I should be commenting on the issue you posted…but I prefer to continue (or maybe clarify) my last statement on “Muhammad”.
What I meant was….I was re-born when I understood the “Muhammad” we all recite in our syahadah.

All this while I thought when I recite the syahadah (or salawat ke atas Nabi) it was for Muhammad S.A.W., the man in Mekkah. I’ve been reading a lot about “kisah-kisah Nabi” when I was (still is) searching my my SELF. & I noticed that even during Adam, they all recite the same Syahadah…with no change in the name Muhammad. & I wonder how can they say Muhammad SAW (man in mekkah) name when he wasn’t even born yet???

After so much reading and (soul) searching and talking to a guru, I realized I’ve been thinking of the wrong Muhammad.
Yes…you are also right when you said Nur Muhammad….but did you also know that “nabi segala roh” is also Muhammad… our soul is also Muhammad….so…when we ber syahadah or salawat…we are reciting it for us…ourself…..when we say “kami naik saksi bahawa Muhammad adalah pesuruh ALLAH”….we ARE saying we…ourself is the “pesuruh ALLAH”…of course we are….when I write this comment….i am acting on HIS command….I acted how HE want me to act….All I that I do…that I think…All that I am is HIM….So everytime I "bersyahadah"...i confirmed my promise to act and to be what was planned and asked of me.

I thank you Nurelhuda for loaning me a section of your blog and I thank you for offering me your friendship (yes you did visit my blog once with an offer of friendship I am much grateful for) and I hope my statement above does not stop you from conversing with me.

p.s. I’d love to talk to you about a book I read & like by Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi called “what the seeker need”

yours truly
- J -

Suriya said...

Dear J
Thank you for the added information.I have a notion of Muhammad being the Spirit of guidance and the Nur Muhammad was created first of all .
Sure go ahead and talk about Ibni Arabi..
What I can do is open a discussion panel on my message board here and then we can have a better platform to discuss.