Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tawba – surrender in contemplation of the Divine

Tawba – surrender in contemplation of the Divine

Allahuma maghfiratuka awsa’ min dhunubi wa rahmatika arja ‘indi min ‘amali
My Allah , your forgiveness is more than my wrong and your mercy comes from you from my deeds (I am not very good with translation, anybody can do a better job?)
God centering- Allahuma
Surrendering guilt in contemplation of Forgiveness – maghfiratuka awsa’ min dhunubi
Surrendering will in contemplation of Mercy – wa rahmatika arja ‘indi min ‘amali

Tawba means return: and the cycle goes like this above.
Tawba is return , and we return after we 'fall' into affliction at the bala stage and this cycle is true for those who are on a sufi path

This is another cycle when we are seeking for our religious truth as above . Our 'religion' can be just about anything that makes us feel fulfilled.

More on tawbah

Allah (ta’) said: wa qawlahu ta’ala:
illa man taba wa-amana wa- ‘amila ‘amalan salihan, fa-ula’ika yu’baddilu llahu sayyi’atihim hasanat
One who turns his back in repentence and places his security in God and who acts righteously, Allah will turn his negative qualities to beautiful virtues

Basically what I am saying is that when we have as objects of surrender other that Allah, we then make tawba and return to Allah.

Shirik khafi is taking other things as illahs and this is the meaning of Laillaha ila Allah
We are negating all that we take as illahs in place of Allah.

Our illah could be our job, our family, our car , golf, our garden , our wealth etc
or on another view, even our religion or, our tariqa whatever distracts us from Allah and does not bring us to Allah

Hence the Tawba, the return

Actually this has been explained over and over but I think Dr Alan has made it crystal clear and in an aspect that removes the taint of what Christians dislike ie the original sin which is what I suspect make many people dislike tawba when they think it is repentence because then the reaction is repent why , repent what ?


HCI said...

I like this: One who turns his back in repentence and places his security in God and who acts righteously, Allah will turn his negative qualities to beautiful virtues

The problem is eventhough we have achieved that, we may regressed back to our old self. Reading your entry are cues to struggle back.

Some much reward in Islam. Every task that we begin with Bismillah, turn into ibadah.

Suriya said...

Yes , everytime we regress gives us a chance to return in tawbah and a chance to become close to Allah

Paul said...

If there is original sin, I think there must also be something original to us that is not sin - or there would be no interest in God at all.

Something that has been true to my own experience: while joy is wonderful, and its increase is generally a sign of being on-track, I've noticed a peace perhaps more profound than joy that can coexist even with great physical misery. I think that anyone who is truly joyous has this undergirding of profound peace, even if they are not entirely aware of it; that without this peace, no real joy is possible.