Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Maslow's heirarchy of Needs in Online Communities

While searching for material for my coaching workshop I came across this! Perhaps this is why so many people are so attache d to their internet and its connections, they are trying to Self Actualise via the Net! You can read more about this HERE


Paul said...

Never thought of it that way! I've always been impressed by that original hierarchy though, very valid I think. You'd like to think at some point the world's focus will be on lifting everyone up along the hierarchy.

Ahmad Hilmi said...

Hmm... I reread the hierarchies after two weeks and I seem to understand more of it. In a personal context I realise my personal and healing practice growth spurt over the last month is because I've been meeting my basic needs. They were already met long before before in actual fact before but mentally I had been depriving myself and as such I weren't able to progress to the higher levels on the pyramid.

iamnasra said...

www.livinginpoetry.blogspot.com has a tribute for Paul of spiritualdiablog and now in his new website www.originalfaith.com. Hope u can join us in this tribute and if you can helps us spread the word among his blog friends
Thanks, see u there