Friday, March 30, 2007

Adversity Meme

I am responding to Paul's Adversity meme which you will find here.

What is a meme? You can find the answer in an earlier post of mine Here

The link to an internet article Here

Adversity to me

Adversity is another city or another Siti
It is some place or someone or something

If it is you
I cannot change you, I can only change me
How do I change me without hurting me?
Because what I do will hurt you too
And what hurts you hurts me

Adversity is another responsibility
To make things right
But to make things right is not my right
Some of the time
So adversity is waiting and watching
To see what will change
And change it will
But change is only with time
And time stands still
With adversity

Adversity is being restricted
In movement , in action,In senses
A narrowing of the spectrum of life
Not because I am deaf and blind and lame
But because I have gone dumb and numb and stiff

Adversity is pain
Mental pain
emotional pain
physical pain
And your pain
Is also my pain

Unless I numb myself
Unless I blind myself
Unless I harden myself
Unless I shield myse;f
Unless I change myself
Unless you change yourself

Adversity is waiting
Adversity is watching
Adversity is wishing
Adversity is praying
Adversity is hoping
Adversity is signal for changing


Paul said...

Gives a sense to me of compassion for anyone facing adversity and that sense in which adversity can be met in positive terms - as a "signal for changing." It leaves me wondering, as Nasra's comment on my blog did, whether the point of view is of adversity as necessarily being as much or more constructive than destructive.

Think I may try to bring this up next post.

Anonymous said...

I liked Paul's comment above...and I liked reading your poem. Stop by mine if you'd like...writing for me is sometimes hard. =)

The little one above is gorgeous....ahhh, nothing like watching the beauty of a sleeping babe.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

..another city or another Siti...

(What a witty line you wrote, Dr. Su & such a deep thoughtful poem too.) :-)

Suriya said...

dear suzy , you did not leave a link!

Tiel Aisha Ansari said...

Hi Suriya!

The carnival is up at Knocking From Inside! Come check it out.