Some time ago , I wrote about being a healing presence and the difference between a wounding presence and a healing presence.
Today I 'd like to touch on another kind of presence, presence of mind.
To be living in the present.
Does this mean not to study history or muse about our past deeds, no, but the past has gone,what's done is done We 're to learn from the past and we' re to use the lessons of the past in the present. As for the future, it is the present and what we do in the present that shapes the
I was treating a lady who has a regular job as a clerk in a large company. She has a stable and steady job, she has a lovely family , a good husband and averagely nice children.
Yet , while still in her mid thirties, she had developed hypertension and had a gall bladder stone . She was also overweight, a common problem with people having a desk job that bored them to tears, a home and family that also bored them to tears and they found pleasure in eating!
What seems to me is that they practised the enthusiasm and living in the present, only as related to food! Having said this reminds me of my own battle of the bulge and countless others who 're not in this category , but that is another matter!
Boredome with routine, boredom with a job that is done with drudgery only to earn a living which then carries and spills over when she reaches home, more work, housework , the kids cooking cleaning...and a repetition the next morning!
I had a question for her...does she pay attention to what she is doing or, does she live in the past, does she live in some niggling worry that occupies her mind, does she live in the If only land..if only I had a bigger house , I d be happy, if only I could have a handbag like that lady's..or for a man, if only I could have that gorgeous woman as my second wife.......(but it is not possible because I can barely afford my own family although they bore me).
I had one piece of suggestion for her...Live in the now and here. Pay attention to what you re doing, try to do it well, use your spare time to plan or to engage in something beautiful and creative, if you really do not have the time, then do your work in as good a manner as you can,
get a satisfaction from the work.
I can hear an objection from a houseproud overworked housewife who is clearing and cleaning and clearing and cleaning and finding it exasperating to cope with some energy guzzlers who are also waste producers and mess makers but otherwise almost totally unproductive and
uncontributive at home..they go by the names of hubby and kiddies...I cannot offer any answers here because my houseproud episodes are few and far between ;-)
What I could recommend is for you to be a healing presence to your own hurts, your own anger and frustrations. How to do this. For me it is to be aware of the emotion, not throw it to the background and trudge on being irritable all day.
I practise a self awareness that clues me in to my feelings and the reasons for them. And then, when I can spare five minutes, I spend the quiet moment breathing deeply, slowly and being aware of Allah's love and compassion. I concentrate on my heart centre, allow my feelings full
expression, shed a few tears if I need it...and I watch as my emotions get digested and changed into a spiritual nourishment that sustains and strengthens me till the next episode....for what are these irritations and troubles and hurts but God's training for our spiritual development.
As to being bored, I think being grateful and counting the blessings in one's life, savouring each passing moment and making the most of it will cure this boredom..
Once I had evening breakfast at Saujana Hyatt yesterday with my chinese girl, we talk about relationship. My chinese girl said that it will be hard for a malay girl to be fond and married by a man once they knew that they already have a past experience of physical connotation.From my opinion, it is unfair to treat individual like this. What ever past is past. But somehow, do really guys like wanted to admit that it's all about the gentleman dignity and virginity.
9:11 AM
Yes we Malays have double standards Led. That is true. Like it is ok for a man but not ok for a woman..Know what I think? I think we do not understand God's rulings on sexual relationships.
3:16 PM
:) I am still a romantic at heart too, and inshaAllah I have married my soulmate. But even then, loving still needs a lot of hard work and patience, which I only understood fully after marriage.
I do meet some people that I instantly like, some people I dislike initially but later on like, some people who I dislike (although I try to keep my mind open about them for a while) and a few people who inspire love, both male and female. But it has always been clear why they inspire love in me; mainly it is because of their humility and their love of God. :)
Re: double standards, what is past is past. Everyone makes mistakes. I am more comfortable with people who have sinned but know that it is wrong than with people who sin but say that it's okay/promote others to it.
8:13 PM
Yesterday my patient was crying and crying and she said she had a bad headache from worrying, I frankly hoped she would not tell me her woes, my heart had opened to her and as I held her hand and lead her through some zikr and breathing, I could even feel her headache and heartache..she spilled the beans..I guess she was bursting to tell someone. She was 2 months pregnant and had done it with her fiance who had insisted she go for an abortion. He refused to marry her earlier than the date they had agreed upon. She had a choice of keeping the baby and probably losing her fiance as well as her family's support and love and her reputation or, go for the abortion and lose her child. What a dilemma!It is wrong , she had done wrong and she knew it..but our society is even more wrong to give her such awful choices....why are we so judgemental??
8:24 PM
Erghh I feel so mad at the fiance for not standing by her when she needs it most! (my feminist past rearing up her head?) It takes two to tango, so two should shoulder the responsibility. I am seriously wondering if she should marry a man who would kill his own child, and would not exhaust all the avenues before. May Allah ease her suffering and forgive her, amiin.
Maybe we are judgemental because we want to feel superior and we also refuse to admit that any one of us could have gone down the same path, only the grace of Allah saved us. Or perhaps some of it is also fear of being lenient might actually be taken as endorsement of the enormity.
I am now looking deep into my heart and asking myself, how would I look at the lady if I were to meet her,knowing her sin? I feel shame of daring to think bad of others whose sins Allah exposed, when I probably have done plenty of stuff in secret, when taken in total, might surpass her one enormity. Perhaps she might be admitted to Paradise ahead of me in the end, for the way we leave this life also matters. We don't know our end, we can only hope (and work!) for His Mercy for our death and eternal life.
Ya Allah please forgive all our wrongs, whether done consciously or unconsciously, amiin.
9:14 PM
You have hit the nail on the head with this statement:
Maybe we are judgemental because we want to feel superior and we also refuse to admit that any one of us could have gone down the same path, only the grace of Allah saved us. Or perhaps some of it is also fear of being lenient might actually be taken as endorsement of the enormity.
We Malays are very good at denying our dark side and disowning our dark side makes us unable to do more than sweep the problem under the carpet
10:13 PM
this post immediately reminded of this news item:
you know how people keep saying... awak tu perempuan, kalau jadi apa2 awak je yang tanggung semuanya.. lelaki tu tak luak apa pun!
like K has so rightly pointed out, it takes two to tango, why should only the woman shoulder all the blame?
11:14 PM
Is it just us Malays ?
5:46 AM
De Roza
Indeed others do it too, but that is their problem ..Us denying our dark side is our problem.I like to focus on our area of influence , not our area of concern
Crimson: The thing is that men want a good woman for the mother of their children they make sure they have a woman who is *good*..they can have fun with the *bad* women..but you know what? The children may just have a *bad* father,
7:39 AM
It would be good if a good man ends up with an equally good woman. Blessed are all the children from this blissful marriage.
Not too good then for a *bad* man (and vice versa) who is lucky enough to find himself a good wife (or husband), because the children will still have a *bad* father (or mother).
The worst scenario has to be when a *bad* man ends up with a *bad* woman as a wife. The children will end up with *bad parents*
7:56 AM
Which category will we fall in or fit in....??
7:58 AM
You know Pycno, I don t like labels for people ..all of us have baaad and have goood...its just that sometimes doing something baaaad leaves a mark and sometimes it doesn t ..reminds me of the Novel , the Scarlet Letter..they used to make women who committed adultery wear a scarlet letter..I realise that when somebody does something baaad and they are able to hide it from the society , their lives are saved but when they cannot hide it , their lives are ruined.
Once , my mother in law took in a 14 year old girl who was made pregnant by her cousin. The father was an Imam ..So the girl was my ma in laws guest until she delivered and then she went back to school...we made sure the school and the orang kampung did not know about it, so she managed to go back to being a school girl and has since finished school and is furthering her studies..the daughter she gave birth to was adopted by my brother in law. Her mum still comes to visit her..Had we not kept it a deep dark secret, the girl would have been sent to a correctional center and her life would be ruined for these centers are notorious for turning innocents into hard core criminals.The girl was actually raped although she did not resist..the cousin used to come in via a window while she was sleeping...
There was another case in which the rapist was the girls own grandpa..I was much younger then and did not know any better so I referred the case to kebajikan and the 12 year old was not allowed to take her UPSR , was put in a correctional home, grandpa sent to jail and the family fell apart because all the relatives and the ma and dad had a huge argument over it..had I known what I know now, I would rather let the grandpa go scot free and save the family....esepcially the girl
Why is our society so unforgiving..and why does it punish the vulnerable?
8:31 AM
As a result of this case, I told my NGO that Sexual education has to be taught in school as early as possible and the children have to be taught what kind of touching is a no no as well as the consequences of *the love*..Anyway, we do have a sexual health module now for kids..If you have a school that you have a link to and want this module to be presented to the kids, I can get you in touch with relevent person..we have several presenters so I think we have the whole country covered..