Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Garden Pics

Elman inadevertently left his digicam and SIL had a heyday snapping pics. He is quite a camera man, taking in small details that we may not even notice , coming to and fro, not realising there is such beauty around.

Helwa looking at Koi in the pond

This butterfly was hovering above the flower and later settled on the flower

Sphinx cat? She watches from the pillar of the fence down the road and watches the cars go by
White lilly . Is it true that the flowers face north south east west?

A dragonfly

1 comment:

dith said...

You've got beautiful flowers in your garden. Yes I agree SIL has a knack in taking good pics.

And.....Helwa is so cuuutttee...I love cats...please hug her for me!

I adore cats...any cats on the road just attract my attention. I feel they are just great creatures with kind hearts....Abu Hurairah would agree with me...hehe