Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tagged by Kenakalayan!

Tag-a-Rama-Thon: 6 Weird Things

I was tagged by Kenakalayan ( kena laa layan!)
Oh dear what am I to answer about 6 wierd things that I do?

1. When I am anxious , I will blow out my breath through my mouth , and you can hear it..( I just did it come answering this tag is making me anxious ;-( !!

2. I will litter my bed with the contents of my bag and sometimes add a few books as well and when I am just too tired to move, I will push the items to one side and sleep...

3.I fold my left leg under my backside when I sit. It gives me a numb leg but I cannot help doing it because this is my comfort position

4. When I feel nostalgic for my childhood years I will want to eat the foods I used to eat.
Hot buttered rice, soya sauce, fried ikan kembong , mix it all well, make into balls and eat ..yum

5. I can taste people's emotions on my tongue ( Don t ask me to elaborate, it is wierd enough).

6. If I try on a new outfit and look in the mirror I will need to comb my hair....

Ok now I tag all my children Aimi Hana Aiman , Hilmi ,Maryam ....

1 comment:

Aimi Jaafar said...

yea the littering your bed part is SOOO TRUE. uhuhuhu.. i would have to put them on the floor or on a chair or something to shleep with mama..